Owners, Dr. Benjamin and Heather McNabb, married on a HOT summer afternoon in July. Instead of using the traditional unity candle during the ceremony, Ben and Heather decided to use a young sapling live oak tree to symbolize their union. Soil was collected from three important locations, Ben's childhood home in Eastland, Texas, Heather's childhood home in Deer Park, Texas, and the place where they fell in love, The University of Texas at Austin. During the wedding ceremony, the young oak tree was planted with all three soils to symbolize the past and how it established a foundation for their future life together. Ben and Heather then watered their newly planted tree, demonstrating that they must care for their new marriage to keep it healthy and growing. This little live oak symbolizes Ben and Heather's commitment and love for each other. Just as the LOVE OAK tree grows bigger and stronger every day, so will the love that Ben and Heather share. This is not just any ordinary live oak; it is Ben and Heather's Love Oak. Ben and Heather hope their love and passion for their community will mirror their love for each other. Our mission:
Our Love Story