Dr. Benjamin McNabb, Owner & Pharmacist at Love Oak Pharmacy, was recently appointed as 4-year-term voting member of The Texas HHSC Value-Based Payment and Quality Improvement Advisory Committee (Quality Committee).
The Quality Committee provides a forum to promote public-private, multi-stakeholder collaboration in support of quality improvement and value-based payment initiatives for Medicaid, other publicly funded health services and the wider health care system. It was established in accordance with Texas Government Code §531.012.
The Quality Committee studies and makes recommendations regarding:
Value-based payment and quality improvement initiatives to promote better care, better outcomes and lower costs for publicly funded health care services.
Core metrics and a data analytics framework to support value-based purchasing and quality improvement in Medicaid/CHIP.
HHSC and managed care organization incentive and disincentive programs based on value.
The strategic direction for Medicaid/CHIP value-based programs.
The Quality Committee also pursues other deliverables consistent with its purpose to improve quality and efficiency in state health care services, as requested by the HHSC executive commissioner or adopted into its work plan or bylaws. By December 1 of each even-numbered year, the committee submits a written report to the executive commissioner and Texas Legislature that:
Describes current trends and identifies best practices in health care for value-based payment and quality improvement
Provides recommendations consistent with the purposes of the Quality Committee